
Send newsletters directly from your TERMINAL.

Lettro is a lightweight, command-line tool designed for developers who want a simple, no-frills way to send newsletters. Whether you're sending product updates, blog posts, or announcements, Lettro makes it effortless to create, send, and manage newsletters — all from the comfort of your terminal.

# Initialize a Lettro project and create a new campaign
> lettro init
> lettro create

# Edit content.md, content.html or content.mjml
# Import your subscribers into a CSV, SQLite, MySQL or external CDP
# Send yourself a preview email, publish to your subscribers.
> lettro preview
> lettro publish

You're in control

Take full ownership of your newsletters, campagins, templates, subscribers, analytics and more. Connect your Amazon SES, Postmark, Mailgun or on-premise SMTP platform. Integrate your existing customer data platform and analytics for segmenting and campaign tracking.

Write in Markdown, HTML, MJML or any other format, using your existing code editor and tooling. Collaborate on campagins with Git or other source control tools. Publish media as attachments or offload to Amazon S3, SSH/SFTP or any CDN.

Automation you've never experienced before. Fully open source. Pick a community extension or roll your own.

Get Lettro

Lettro is currently in private beta. Join the waiting list to get early access.

Get Early Access